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Convert Australian Dollar to Indonesian Rupiah

Australian Dollar


Australian Dollar

Indonesian Rupiah


Indonesian Rupiah

5.00 AUD

52,586.00 IDR

10.00 AUD

105,171.00 IDR

25.00 AUD

262,928.00 IDR

50.00 AUD

525,856.00 IDR

100.00 AUD

1,051,712.00 IDR

500.00 AUD

5,258,562.00 IDR

1,000.00 AUD

10,347,824.00 IDR

5,000.00 AUD

51,061,918.00 IDR


Over 500,000 customers have chosen OrbitRemit, here's why:

Cheaper than your bank icon

Cheaper Than Your Bank

Fixed transfer fees no matter how much you transfer.

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At Your Fingertips

Stay on top of your transfer and current exchange rates with our mobile apps.

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Always Supportive

Our support team and Help Centre are always available to answer your questions.

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Trust is Important

As well as being licensed and regulated, OrbitRemit has a reputation as a company you can trust.

Send money in 3 simple steps

Step 1. Create your transfer

Use the calculator to tell us how much you want to transfer or how much you would like the recipient to receive.

Step 2. Set up and save your recipient

We will need some further information about you and your recipient to set things up. You can find out more about what is required here.

Step 3. Fund your transfer

Make a payment to our local OrbitRemit bank account and your part is done. Once we receive your funds we will complete the transfer to your recipient.

How to send money in 3 simple steps

Step 1. Create your transfer

Use the calculator to tell us how much you want to transfer or how much you would like the recipient to receive.

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